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Arun Leer

Developer + SW Engineer, Data Analyst, ML Researcher, Prototyper, UX Designer, Algorithmist, and NLP Expert

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METRICA: Gold Standard Computational Linguistics Evaluation for AI

Architecting, programming and deploying the industry-leading system

Automatic Data Forecasting

Coming Soon

Sage Mercatus: Optimising Marketing Budget Expenditure

How to best allocate your marketing budget according to market trends

Hi there

I'm Arun (pronounced Ah-run, or as Aaron), currently exploring the countryside of the United Kingdom after having just graduated from University of Birmingham with a Master of Science in Computer Science. My projects include METRICA, a completely unique large langauge model evaluation system, with over 2000 lines of code and 47 packages implemented in a 10 week window.

I'm deeply interested in AI evaluation for ethical deployment, classical data engineering, NLP-based data analysis and software engineering. My coding experience is geared towards Java and JavaScript for full-stack development, with Python for automation, development and scripting.

In my spare time I love weightlifting, playing video games, researching NLP and enjoying an occasional TV series or movie. I'm always happy to hear about new projects, so feel free to send me a message!

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My first steps as a visitor in Rome, at Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) Airport!